All conservatories will add value and extra living space to your house, but a timber conservatory is the only one which will provide more than that; character, durability and timeless appeal.

A hardwood conservatory is an ideal way of adding unique additional living space to your home.
Hardwood presents a wide choice of colour and finish and is one of the most versatile construction materials in the world, offering a great choice of design elements. This is why timber conservatories adapt best to the style of your house, regardless of the building age and architecture, adding that natural finish that makes the transition to your garden gracefully smooth.

A well designed combination between wood and glass not only provides a beautiful passage to the garden, but can also allow you and your family to be comfortably warm in winter and cool in summer with minimal energy usage. Hardwood has important thermal properties, retaining heat from the day and releasing it at night. Moreover, double glazed wooden conservatories can ensure an extremely high thermal efficiency, which means you can make significant energy savings.

Most people imagine the challenging issue with timber is that it is sensitive to decay. It's true: timber will change over the time, so yes, it is important to choose the right wood when constructing a conservatory. People must be aware that durability varies by hardwood type. When selecting a timber for your hardwood conservatory you can choose a natural durable timber with a life expectancy that can exceed 50 years, or employ a less durable one that can be easily treated. Timber treated with the appropriate preservative and properly maintained can last for a hundred years or more.

On the other hand, timber's theoretical sensitivity to water can also be countered by careful design and good conservatory building practice. Most of the longevity concerns can be eliminated by simply making sure no water can collect for a long period of time and by adding water resistant elements in the most sensitive parts.

From an environmental point of view, wood is ideal because is recyclable and requires minimal energy to produce. However, buying the wrong type of wood for your conservatory can contribute to ecological disaster. This is especially true when your chosen wood comes from tropical deforestation, which presents a massive threat to around half of the world's species that rely on forests. The most reliable way to select sustainable timber is to look out for timber certification schemes, which can prevent environmental harm and contribute to a healthy future.

Investing in a hardwood conservatory is about more than just raising the market value of your property; it is about creating the most versatile and cosy space in your house and yet bringing you so close to nature. Its also about sharing wonderful moments with the loved ones while thinking that adding that hardwood conservatory to your home was one of the smartest things you have done for yourself and your family.

Conservatory Quote Online provide competitive quotes for all kinds of conservatories and on line service to help you choose the right type of conservatory for your home.
Buy a hardwood conservatory