Call it what you like. The final frontier. The landscape of the future. Or how marketers most likely see it: a brand new medium for advertising, with lots of blank estate and infinite possibilities.

There is no question that the social media, in particular, have invaded a significant part of our lives, even ones that ought to be kept private. As a result, marketers are constantly looking for ways to reach the millions that have embraced digital culture, those who check their half a dozen social media accounts first thing in the morning on their mobile phones, who log in to their accounts on computers at their workstations, and then once again on their mobile phones at night before they hit the sack.

The internet is the landscape of the future, everyone knows it, and that is all the more reason why website owners should concern themselves with search engine optimisation, or SEO.

Any entrepreneur running a business website will tell you that learning even the basic ropes of optimising for search engines is no easy task. Working on your own business means you’re running a very tight schedule.

A few aspiring entrepreneurs and tech-savvy people understood this dilemma, and that is how a few startups materialised. For example, you can click here to learn more about KPI. Companies like KPI say to the bewildered entrepreneur, “You have a website. Great, we’ll take it from here.”

As mentioned earlier, the landscape of the internet is always changing. As more and more websites crop up in the online space and competition for traffic gets, well, even more competitive, marketers will have to find new and better ways to improve their website’s rankings and stay on top of the game.

One of these methods is called Flow Metric, which is a process of gathering validated data on how efficient, or inefficient, a particular website is in terms of number of inbound links, as well as tracking the flow of traffic within a specified time period. A typical chart consists of a trust flow meter and a citation flow meter, which are used to measure efficiency of a website in attracting visitors from other websites through links and references.

Proper use of Flow Metric can mean the difference between a successful and a failed business venture. It is a tough call, but it is the truth nonetheless. If you rely too much on traditional forms of marketing and eschew the new revolutionary format that actually makes a difference, you might just find yourself standing on the undesirable side of the fence.

These services, such as the ones available at KPI are here for the taking. Make good use of them. Do not allow your competitors to get the better of you and, worse, ahead of you.

Business is war, as the Japanese like to say. And doing business on the internet is no different. It is a fight or flight situation, a survival of the fittest scenario, and business with the best optimised website win.