Payment protection insurance also known as PPI, was designed to cover your loan or credit card repayments if you became unemployed, had a long-term illness or were involved in an accident. PPI can provide valuable protection for people who have lost their jobs. However, over the past few years insurance policies have been widely mis sold, as they provided huge profits for banks and lenders.

Advisors would mis sell their policies by not fully explaining what the insurance covered and telling the consumer that the policy was either compulsory or suggesting that it would give people a better chance of being accepted for a loan. In worst case scenarios some advisors would even add a policy onto a consumers account without their consent.
Many policies were also extremely over priced for the level of cover they offered and banks and lenders would put in several exemptions making it almost impossible for consumers to make a valid claim. You could potentially claim big money if you feel you were in any way mis sold PPI insurance. Even if you have made a claim on your policy, you can still make a PPI complaint which could result in substantial compensation.

Before you decide to make a payment protection claim its important you check through all your policy documentation. Not all policies were mis sold, so you must ask yourself if the insurance was right for you at the time of purchase. Cast your mind back to when you were sold the policy, did the advisor make it clear that the insurance optional? In many cases advisors were telling consumers that PPI was compulsory or implied that the loan repayments would be more expensive if they didnt take out a policy. This is mis selling and you could be entitled to thousands of pounds.

Making a claim can sometimes be a long, difficult and time consuming process. Therefore its advisable to enlist the help of a claims management company. Many companies who specialise in PPI reclaims offer a free, no obligation consultation. These meetings can take place in the comfort of your own home or over the phone and a friendly consultant will review potential claims and help you with all the relevant documentation.

The majority of high quality, well established claims management companies operate on a no win no fee basis and if your claim is successful you will only be charged a small administration fee.

Contact your local claims management company today and get back what youre rightly owed.

ABC Incorporation is one of the UKs leading claims management companies in the UK. They have helped hundreds of people claim thousands of pounds. Visit their website today to fill in their online form for a quick and easy PPI reclaim.
Claim back PPI