With electricity companies charging more than ever and prices continuing to spiral upwards, paying bills in your home or business can be a real struggle. One of the biggest expenditures for many household is energy bills. Voltage optimisation offers a way to reduce electricity consumption without changing your lifestyle. Domestic voltage optimisation can easily reduce electricity consumption by 18%; saving a family of four living in a three-bed semi detached house around £150 a year. In the tough times which many homes are facing, £150 is a considerable saving. And that isn’t just this year - it’s every year for the lifespan of your voltage optimisation unit. Businesses such as hotels, offices, stadia and warehouses can also make substantial savings by benefiting from voltage optimisation.

How does voltage optimisation work?

Voltage optimisation works because of the National Grid. The National Grid supplies electricity to your home, but their standard outage is often much higher than your appliances need. The National Grid provides around 240V of electricity to your home, despite the fact that domestic electrical equipment only requires around 220V to work effectively. The extra power which is not used by your electrical equipment dissipates as heat and vibration within your appliances, reducing their lifespan by as much as 90%. In addition to this, the UK mains electricity is prone to usually unnoticeable power surges, further damaging electrical equipment and reducing how long it lasts.

Voltage optimisation units are installed in your home to act as a ‘buffer’ between the National Grid and your domestic electricity supply. They reduce the voltage outage in your home to that required by your electrical items, cutting the electricity units you use and prolonging their lifespan.

What voltage optimisation options are available?

The benefits of voltage optimisation are obvious. There are many different types available, but the newest units are by far the most effective at their jobs. ‘Intelligent’ voltage optimisation systems are a new development in home energy management products, ideal for domestic use.

They differ from traditional units in that they reduce the electricity demanded by the unit by managing voltage levels only on appliances which are being used, allowing them to reduce their own energy usage. If the main power supply has dipped below the voltage required by your appliances it will recognise this and not further lower the voltage, whereas an older unit would continue to lower voltages, rendering electricity sources useless. To further improve their power efficiency, new intelligent systems can detect when there has been no electricity consumption in the whole property, and will go into standby mode.

Intelligent voltage optimisation systems also have a display screen which allows you to see how much energy is being saved by its installation. They can be installed to your supply (between the electricity meter and consumer unit) by a qualified electricity in around an hour, and are effective in saving you money immediately.

Marshall Tufflex Energy Management are specialists in providing the latest generation of intelligent voltage optimisation systems mentioned in this article; the most prominent being Voltis. Voltis enables homes and businesses to easily make significant and long-term energy savings with minimal impact on day-to-day electrical usage.
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