Many of us dream of becoming great cooks; creating home-made delicious meals and treats which are not merely sustenance but a really enjoyable dining experience. But most people pass off this idyllic living as a dream, meant for others who enjoy a more relaxed pace of life in the countryside. London is a fast-paced city after all, and living in the capital means that a lot of the busy working population rely upon convenience; whether this is fast food, pre-prepared meals or eating out. It is easy to forget that living in or around London gives you the opportunity to easily improve your culinary skills.

Ask any chef where he learnt to cook and his answer wont be that he learnt from books, cookery TV programmes or by having a top-of-the-range food processor. Whether you ask the commis chef in your local pub or the executive chefs of the worlds top restaurants, their answer will be the same; that they learnt from other chefs. This goes for home cooks too. There is no better way to learn or improve your culinary skills than from an expert chef who wants to share his knowledge and rediscover your passion for cooking with you.

London cooking schools offer the opportunity to learn from the very best chefs with easy, fun and accessible cooking classes which look to not only improve your culinary skills for life but do so in a relaxed and sociable environment. By living in or near London you have the unique chance to make cooking not a chore but an enjoyable experience, by learning from senior chefs from Michelin starred kitchens whose enthusiasm is infectious.

The best schools in the capital offer a range of hundreds of classes every month with different themes, lengths and dates, enabling you to fit your class or classes around your lifestyle. Whether you are a complete novice or an experienced cook, there are guaranteed to be cooking classes in London to suit you. Perhaps you are a lover of Moroccan, Italian, Indian or Spanish cuisine, or maybe you are looking to improve a particular skill in a masterclass designed to teach you the art of macaroon baking or improve your knife skills in meat classes.

Meat is one of the most difficult things to cook well, yet failed attempts at cooking meat dishes successfully can easily result in a ruined meal or even food poisoning. For this reason, meat classes are the most valuable cooking classes available in London. Meat classes offer you the chance to learn how to master the coveted technique of how to cook a difficult sirloin or rump steak to perfection, create easy and quick tea-time meals such as chicken teriyaki with noodles, or impress at a dinner party with elegant main courses like Barbary duck breast with foie gras.

If you aim to create meals which you can easily recreate at home look for a cooking school which hosts meat classes. Often offering three courses, meat classes cover versatile recipes which can be easily translated into your everyday life, covering not only meat but the accompaniments too.
Whether you are looking for meat classes or vegetarian classes a London cooking school will provide cooking workshops which provide a fun experience and improve your culinary skills.

Latelier des Chefs host over 500 cooking classes a month in their London cooking school in a range of themes and lengths. Their fun and relaxed classes are led by expert chefs in state-of-the-art kitchens; and whether you are consider yourself a novice or an experienced cook Latelier des Chefs offer something for everyone.
Latelier des Chefs cooking classes