Speed up decision making with video conferencing

April 25, 2012

Have you ever found yourself on a plane thinking that your life would be so much easier if you didnt have to travel so much? Do you remember the times when you were super excited about getting on a plane and going to interesting places? Now it seems like every other day you are away from home, having to pack your things at 5 oclock in the morning, knowing that you wont be home again until just before midnight the next day.

Sadly, when you travel for work it is not much fun: its just work. No hotel room is better than your own sitting room and no meal tastes better than your home made meals.

Its true. Frequent business travel can be utterly exhausting. Hours of lost sleep combined with tight travel schedules and the stress of business appointments can reduce peoples performance or even cause health problems.

So, is there any way to get people together in real time in a way that allows them to communicate naturally, share information and solve problems without having to travel?

The answer is simple; use a room with video conferencing facility. It is fast, saves a considerable amount of time and money, and is relatively simple to use. You just drive to a nearby video conferencing venue to virtually meet with colleagues or customers from around the world. This means that you don't have to wait until the next face-to-face meeting to decide, act and resolve.

No matter what the purpose of your meeting, you can use video conferencing facilities for a variety of meetings, including sales meetings, training courses, business meetings or seminars. You can share information with different people in your organisation in the form of presentations, irrespective of the locations of your colleagues. Moreover, the video conferencing can be recorded for future playback options in case you require repeated presentations on the same topic for different people.

Video conferencing can not replace completely the need for business travel. There will always be those critical meetings when you will travel across the world to impress and develop real relationships with business associates and customers. You sometimes need to experience your business partners world in order to understand their needs and only face to face interaction can create that intimacy necessary to build trust and lead to something great. So yes, you'll go across the world to develop real relationships, but then you can nurture them through virtual meetings rather than frequent trips.

Thus, its not a matter of having a preference towards video conferencing, really. It is about looking at the broad range of business trips needs and deciding which ones can be met by virtual meetings. You will see that once you start experiencing the benefits of using video conferencing facilities, virtual meetings will become more and more predominant in your meetings calendar.

So yes, you can choose to travel mostly for pleasure, vacations or meeting family and fly only for those critical meetings that simply require your charming presence to close the deal with your important business partner. Then the thought of packing your bags at five o'clock in the morning will probably bring the long lost excitement back.

Edinburgh Training and Conference Venue is dedicated exclusively to providing high standards of training and video conferencing facilities, and has an excellent reputation for the quality of its service. Visit their website today to find the best venue for your next video conferencing event.
Video conference rooms in Edinburgh

The benefits of physiotherapy and how to choose a reliable physiotherapist in Cardiff

April 24, 2012

Physiotherapy is an effective method of preventing and curing various orthopaedic/musculoskeletal injuries, neurological disorders and diseases, and improving flexibility and joint range. A good local physiotherapist in Cardiff will be able to treat a range of disorders, including headaches, migraines, neck and shoulder pain, arm and hand pain, back pain, sciatica, hip and groin pain, knee and foot pain, or associated symptoms of tingling, numbness or weakness.

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The Advantages of HDMI Wall Plates

April 20, 2012

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Find the perfect snooker cue for your next big game

April 19, 2012

With the world snooker championships just around the corner, more and more people are joining teams all over the country to take part in this exciting sport. Joining a snooker team is a great way to meet new people and have some fun with many weekly tournaments and friendly matches taking place all over your area.

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Effective methods of getting rid of clothes moths

April 19, 2012

One of the most frustrating moments can be when you find your prized cashmere sweater or most expensive silk garments severely damaged and spoiled by clothes moths. Moths are one of the most common pests found in households. They are extremely troublesome because not only do they destroy your clothes, but they are also very difficult to completely eliminate. Garments and items made of furs, wool, silk, and feathers are most susceptible to be attacked by moths.

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Norfolk Bronze and Norfolk Black turkeys How to choose ethically produced meat

April 18, 2012

It may seem early to be thinking about Christmas already but it is around now that Norfolk Bronze and Norfolk Black turkey farmers begin thinking ahead to the festive season. Slow growing turkey chicks are received by growers around mid-June, and given 25 weeks to grow and develop, and 10 days for the meat to mature in time for Christmas.

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Health and safety training: A necessity

April 17, 2012

No matter how trivial, workplace dangers can take a bad shape if ignored for a long time. Little things such as incorrect sitting posture and wrong placement of work equipment can cause a lot of problems in the long run, leading to neck and shoulder pain, spinal cord problems, eyestrain, fatigue, etc. To take care of this matter, workplace safety and health legislation was passed by the Government, which includes the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations, 1999 and the Heal...

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Cost efficient call centre desks

April 16, 2012

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Cooking workshops to improve your culinary skills

April 16, 2012

How can I improve my culinary skills and knife skills?

Most people want to improve their culinary skills. Whether you are a real foodie who dreams of perfecting your macaroon baking technique and opening your own business, or if you simply want to be able to cook a quick, healthy and delicious meal for the family after work, the main principle for improving culinary skills is the same. Cooking should not be a chore but an enjoyable experience.

Nowadays London cooking schools are offering...

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Sourcing Information on Industrial Archaeology

April 12, 2012

Surveying is probably one of those careers that seem quite elusive and mysterious to many people. But no doubt just about everyone has seen a surveyor at work, often on the side of a busy road. They are often dressed in hi-vis vest jackets peering through a lensed item on a tripod. But even if it's not a career path that may seem entirely interesting the people who do conduct archaeological surveys are providing a very important service when it comes to building and planning permission...

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