Showing Tag: "back" (Show all posts)

Spruce Up Your Fish Tank with a 3D Aquarium Background

Posted by Lennie Hancock on Friday, June 22, 2012,

It can be a lonely life being a fish. Your career options are limited, the opportunities for travel slim and the only lasting relationships you can hope for are distinctly arranged. On the other hand, you have a lovely tank, food delivered daily and a nice view. Alright, so the exact dimensions of your tank may vary according to budget, but we’d all have a bigger flat if we could afford it. And how much space do you really need? Once you’ve found somewhere to put the castle and the...

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Why make a payment protection insurance claim?

Posted by Lennie Hancock on Monday, April 2, 2012,

Up until 2011, many lenders, including high street banks and credit companies, mis-sold a staggering £5 billion a year worth of payment protection insurance. The insurance, intended to protect payments in the event of accident or unemployment, was mis-sold when borrowers didnt want or need it, or when they were given the impression that it was not compulsory. When the mis-selling of PPI was eventually ruled as illegal, lenders were told to repay those who had taken out the policies.


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How to claim back PPI

Posted by Lennie Hancock on Tuesday, March 27, 2012,

So you are beginning to understand the concept of PPI and feel you may be entitled to make a mis-sold PPI claim. But how do you go about this? It is daunting for an individual to contact high street lenders, particularly if you do not have a complex understanding of the conditions of PPI.

Making a PPI refund

Speak to a professional claims management company to find out how you can receive a Payment Protection Insurance (PPI) refund. They will assess whether or not you are entitled to a P...

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