Showing Tag: "cable" (Show all posts)

Repair or customise your speaker grills with acoustic fabric

Posted by Lennie Hancock on Friday, July 20, 2012,

Speakers can be expensive and sensitive pieces of kit. Most come with grills or covers which protect the speaker itself from dust and damage, but there are a number of situations in which you might want to make your own. Whether your grill is damaged or you want to make a custom cabinet, acoustic fabric is a great material to help you create what you need quickly and easily.

Speakers are designed to emit sounds, which are essentially vibrations in the air. When speaker grills are design...

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Ensure your home is ready for the latest technologies with HDMI audio video cables

Posted by Lennie Hancock on Monday, June 18, 2012,

You may not think about it, but you are constantly bringing new technology into your home. HD ready Plasma and LCD televisions, camcorders, games consoles, computers, laptops, android mobile phones, BluRay and DVD players all need either a HDMI, AV or Scat cable to be set up with your home entertainment system. These devices often don’t come with the appropriate cables. Therefore, it’s important to ensure you have the correct equipment when you bring a new piece of technology into ...

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Be ready for your next piece of technology with audio and video cables

Posted by Lennie Hancock on Saturday, March 24, 2012,

These days setting up a home entertainment system is a fairly straightforward task. However, the wrong type of cable could affect the quality of your device, and cables which are too long could result in tangled mess around the back of your television set.

HDMI Cables
Many electrical suppliers stock a wide range of Hi Fi, audio and video cables for all speakers, televisions and home cinema systems. With most new television sets HDMI is the best quality input, therefore its a good idea t...

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A guide to HDMI adaptors, HDMI cables and HDMI wall plates

Posted by Lennie Hancock on Friday, March 16, 2012,

HDMI abbreviates High Definition Multimedia Interface, which is a popular digital alternative to the lesser quality analogue transmitting interfaces. Your TV, 3DTV, Blu-ray player, DVD player or recorder, games console, digital camcorder, PC, digibox or Sky box may be HD enabled. Many people choose high definition equipment for their crystal clear visuals which enhance the viewing experience.

But often these electrical products which support HDMI viewing require essential HDMI products ...

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