Showing Tag: "control" (Show all posts)

London’s pest control woes: why prevention is better than cure

Posted by Lennie Hancock on Monday, July 2, 2012,

Some pest problems are seasonal. Clothes moths tend to do their damage in the spring, when their larvae hatch out in search of food. Rats and mice tend to enter houses for warmth in early winter. In some cases, however, unusual weather can cause problems at unexpected times. A particularly wet summer can bring rats into contact with people in big cities as water levels rise and the rats seek higher ground. If the sewers of London are flooded, the rats are forced to the surface.


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Get rid of clothes moths in London

Posted by Lennie Hancock on Wednesday, May 30, 2012,

Most people think moths are annoying little pests, aimlessly loitering around the house, getting in the way of vital TV viewing and essential cooking for the family. But the real problem they indicate by lurking around your home is a lot more serious.

Think back to all those cosy cashmere jumpers and dresses you bought last winter to snuggle up in on cold London days, that expensive (but worth it) silk dress your daughter wore to her prom a couple of years ago, the beautiful fur trimmed...

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Dont let an ant infestation ruin your summer

Posted by Lennie Hancock on Saturday, March 17, 2012,

Ants are one of the most common types of summer pest. Two common species found in Britain are the garden ant and the pharaohs ant.

Garden ants are around 3-4 mm long and are often referred to as flying ants as they produce wings during the summer to allow them to mate. The pharaohs ant on the other hand is much smaller at only 2mm long and yellowy brown in colour. These ants are often found indoors as they originate from much warmer climates. Like most ants the pharaohs ant needs water ...

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