Showing Tag: "electrical" (Show all posts)

Be ready for your next piece of technology with audio and video cables

Posted by Lennie Hancock on Saturday, March 24, 2012,

These days setting up a home entertainment system is a fairly straightforward task. However, the wrong type of cable could affect the quality of your device, and cables which are too long could result in tangled mess around the back of your television set.

HDMI Cables
Many electrical suppliers stock a wide range of Hi Fi, audio and video cables for all speakers, televisions and home cinema systems. With most new television sets HDMI is the best quality input, therefore its a good idea t...

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How to save money on electricity bills with voltage optimisation

Posted by Lennie Hancock on Friday, March 23, 2012,

With electricity companies charging more than ever and prices continuing to spiral upwards, paying bills in your home or business can be a real struggle. One of the biggest expenditures for many household is energy bills. Voltage optimisation offers a way to reduce electricity consumption without changing your lifestyle. Domestic voltage optimisation can easily reduce electricity consumption by 18%; saving a family of four living in a three-bed semi detached house around £150 a year. ...

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