Showing Tag: "italy" (Show all posts)

Discovering the diverse delights of Italy

Posted by Lennie Hancock on Wednesday, May 23, 2012,

If you are looking for an enjoyable holiday which really satisfies the soul, visiting Italy is a great idea! This country is a repository of beautiful historical places, good food, fashionable culture, and picturesque landscapes among many other attractions. You can find more information on tours to Italy here.

Located in Southern Europe, and comprising of the Italian peninsula and a number of islands, Italy is the fifth most popular holiday destination in the world. The climate of Ital...

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Go online to create your own Italian adventure

Posted by Lennie Hancock on Saturday, March 31, 2012,

Discovering the disparate beauty and romance of Italy has never been easier thanks to multi-centre holidays. Encompassing a tailored itinerary that allows tourists to visit numerous Italian cities, you can take in a variety of breathtaking sights.

Online Italian holiday experts have devised the complete package for holidaymakers wishing to sample the delights of Italian history, architecture, scenery, sports and culture.

Planning your own specially crafted visit is a fun and easy experie...

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