Showing Tag: "management" (Show all posts)

London’s pest control woes: why prevention is better than cure

Posted by Lennie Hancock on Monday, July 2, 2012,

Some pest problems are seasonal. Clothes moths tend to do their damage in the spring, when their larvae hatch out in search of food. Rats and mice tend to enter houses for warmth in early winter. In some cases, however, unusual weather can cause problems at unexpected times. A particularly wet summer can bring rats into contact with people in big cities as water levels rise and the rats seek higher ground. If the sewers of London are flooded, the rats are forced to the surface.


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Commercial Energy Solutions to Meet Your Carbon Reduction Commitment

Posted by Lennie Hancock on Wednesday, June 20, 2012,

In a world where customers are increasingly eco-conscious and energy bills and the carbon reduction commitment energy efficiency scheme are hitting businesses hard, commercial energy solutions are key.

Of course, businesses rely on electricity and reducing your electricity usage should be done with minimal impact on the working environment. There are a number of energy monitoring strategies available which allow you to do just this. If you’re looking for an effective way to reduce you...

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Why value management is so important in this economic climate

Posted by Lennie Hancock on Thursday, March 15, 2012,

Value management is still a specialist service that is underused by too many businesses. In these tough times where value for money is more important than ever and what you get in return for your hard-earned cash is paramount, you could well benefit for from value management.

Showing the value of a project can be harder than some may think. It is not just about the cost, it is about the benefit of the project being conducted, the risks that have to be taken and what the end result will ...

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