Showing Tag: "service" (Show all posts)

London’s pest control woes: why prevention is better than cure

Posted by Lennie Hancock on Monday, July 2, 2012,

Some pest problems are seasonal. Clothes moths tend to do their damage in the spring, when their larvae hatch out in search of food. Rats and mice tend to enter houses for warmth in early winter. In some cases, however, unusual weather can cause problems at unexpected times. A particularly wet summer can bring rats into contact with people in big cities as water levels rise and the rats seek higher ground. If the sewers of London are flooded, the rats are forced to the surface.


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Ensure your home is ready for the latest technologies with HDMI audio video cables

Posted by Lennie Hancock on Monday, June 18, 2012,

You may not think about it, but you are constantly bringing new technology into your home. HD ready Plasma and LCD televisions, camcorders, games consoles, computers, laptops, android mobile phones, BluRay and DVD players all need either a HDMI, AV or Scat cable to be set up with your home entertainment system. These devices often don’t come with the appropriate cables. Therefore, it’s important to ensure you have the correct equipment when you bring a new piece of technology into ...

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Flow Metric - Helping Your Website to Stay on Top of the Competition

Posted by Lennie Hancock on Wednesday, May 23, 2012,

Call it what you like. The final frontier. The landscape of the future. Or how marketers most likely see it: a brand new medium for advertising, with lots of blank estate and infinite possibilities.

There is no question that the social media, in particular, have invaded a significant part of our lives, even ones that ought to be kept private. As a result, marketers are constantly looking for ways to reach the millions that have embraced digital culture, those who check their half a doze...

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Ensure you have exquisite catering for your next Nottingham, Leicester or Derby event

Posted by Lennie Hancock on Friday, April 27, 2012,

Choosing the right caterer for your event is no easy task. Hundreds of catering services across the country will promote themselves as being able to cater for all types of events. However, there are certain caterers who specialise in particular types of occasions such as weddings, parties, corporate or outdoor events. Selecting a caterer who specialises in the type of event you are organising will enable you to receive a style of cuisine which suits the occasion perfectly.

Across the Ea...

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Ensure your event has good quality temporary wireless internet & contact a WiFi service provider

Posted by Lennie Hancock on Saturday, April 7, 2012,

These days people expect to have wireless internet access just about anywhere. With smart phones, tablets and MP3 players all having internet connection features, people can browse, check their email and use social media websites without having to load up a computer.

If you are organising an event, its important to ensure you provide a reliable, fast wireless broadband connection for your audience. Whether youre arranging an indoor or outdoor event for a national or local audience, prov...

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