Showing Tag: "skills" (Show all posts)

Cooking workshops to improve your culinary skills

Posted by Lennie Hancock on Monday, April 16, 2012,

How can I improve my culinary skills and knife skills?

Most people want to improve their culinary skills. Whether you are a real foodie who dreams of perfecting your macaroon baking technique and opening your own business, or if you simply want to be able to cook a quick, healthy and delicious meal for the family after work, the main principle for improving culinary skills is the same. Cooking should not be a chore but an enjoyable experience.

Nowadays London cooking schools are offering...

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Learn to cook meat recipes at cooking classes in London

Posted by Lennie Hancock on Thursday, March 29, 2012,

Many of us dream of becoming great cooks; creating home-made delicious meals and treats which are not merely sustenance but a really enjoyable dining experience. But most people pass off this idyllic living as a dream, meant for others who enjoy a more relaxed pace of life in the countryside. London is a fast-paced city after all, and living in the capital means that a lot of the busy working population rely upon convenience; whether this is fast food, pre-prepared meals or eating out....

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